Black Friday Trivia

November 23, 2007

Today is “Black Friday”, a day that many Americans get started on their Holiday Season shopping. Did you know? The earliest known reference to “Black Friday” is November 29, 1975.  The term was mentioned in two separate articles, both with Philadelphia timelines.  Therefore, the term Black Friday is believed to have originated in Philadelphia. Did […]

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Who Are Fannie And Freddie And How Do They Help Homeowners?

November 21, 2007

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mae are quasi-government agencies in that they are publicly-owned, but overseen by the government. The purpose of Fannie and Freddie is to make sure that money is available to homeowners that want home loans. Neither lends to consumers directly, though; you’ll have to talk to your loan officer for that.  Instead, […]

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On Random Rate Rallies And Thin Trading

November 20, 2007

Mortgage bonds staged a late-day rally yesterday, exaggerated by the holiday-shortened week and because trader participation is light. (We’ll revisit this theme several times between now and the New Year so don’t get tired of it.) When mortgage bonds rally, it means that demand for them is strong and that pushes mortgage rates down. Unfortunately for […]

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The Week In Review (November 19, 2007) : What To Watch For

November 19, 2007

In a holiday-shortened week with no major economic data releases, expect worries about the credit markets and speculation about holiday shopping to take center stage. Last week was a mixed bag for the economy and mortgage markets responded in kind.  Rates were relatively unchanged. The news started with Wednesday’s Retail Sales report.  In showing a […]

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The Cost Of Living Includes The Cost Of Gas And Food (And May Get More Expensive Through The Winter)

November 16, 2007

October’s Consumer Price Index was released Thursday and showed a 3.5 percent increase in the cost of living since October 2006. The report also showed a core inflation rate of 2.2 percent. The “core CPI” is a smaller part of the overall CPI. The math is the same, but it specifically excludes cost changes in […]

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Homeowners Should Have Basic Wills

November 15, 2007

Statistic #1: According to the Census Bureau, 69% of Americans are homeowners. Statistic #2: According to, 42% of Americans have a basic will. Basic Math: 27% of American homeowners are in need of a basic will. Addressing mortality can be difficult for some people, but even more difficult is addressing a home that’s been […]

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Where You Find Speculators, You May Also Find Failures

November 14, 2007

This morning, RealtyTrac released its Q3 2007 foreclosure data for the United States. The leading cities for foreclosures are: Stockton, CA (1 per 31 households) Detroit, MI (1 per 33 households) Riverside/San Bernardino, CA (1 per 43 households) Fort Lauderdale, FL (1 per 48 households) Las Vegas, NV (1 per 48 households) Sacramento, CA (1 […]

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The Week In Review (November 13, 2007) : What To Watch For

November 13, 2007

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ shed 4.1% and 6.5%, respectively, last week. Normally, this would be good news for mortgage rates because investors tend to look for “safe havens” in bond issues, but instead, just treasuries benefited last week.  Mortgage bonds were left in the dust. Mortgage rates finished to the upside after […]

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The Simple Math Of How Mortgage Rates Are Born

November 9, 2007

We talk a lot about how mortgage bonds are the driving force behind mortgage rates but we never get into the math of it.  So, to help our understanding of the subject, let’s delve a little deeper. Here’s the (very simplified) math behind it: If you pay $100 today for a $6 annual interest payment […]

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Mortgage Rates Fall For ARMs Faster Than For Fixed Rate Mortgages

November 8, 2007

After running neck-and-neck for several months, interest rates for fixed-rate mortgages and adjustable-rate mortgages are finally diverging. Despite pricing worse than its fixed-rate counterpart throughout much of August and September, ARMs are now close to 0.375 percent lower for conforming products sold through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This equates to roughly $25 per month per $100,000 […]

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It’s Not Your Imagination : Getting A Home Loan Is More Challenging For Everyone

November 7, 2007

If it feels like mortgage approvals are harder to come by than in years past, that’s because it is. And we’re not just talking about sub-prime mortgages (for which the market has nearly vanished in just 12 months). According to a story on Marketwatch, mortgage guidelines are more challenging for everyone to meet — gold-star […]

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It Ain’t Easy Being Green–or is it??

November 7, 2007

No, I am not talking about the song by Kermit the Frog, I am talking about a recent insert in the Wall St. Journal entitled “Handicapping the Environmental Gold Rush” spoke about the benefits of investing in Green Real Estate. According to McGraw-Hill Constructions “2006 Green Building SmartMarket Report,” Green buildings generate 3.5% higher occupancy rates, […]

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The Week In Review (November 05, 2007) : What To Watch For

November 4, 2007

As we saw last week, the economy is simultaneously hot and cold.  This makes for a strange ride on Wall Street because stocks and bonds tend to move on emotion rather than on fact. This “mob mentality” is one reason why mortgage rates have bounced up and down so much lately. For example, we saw […]

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Why Driving Extra Miles For Cheaper Gas May Be A Waste Of Money

November 4, 2007

With gas prices up 37% nationally since this time last year, Americans have grown accustomed to driving a little bit further just to find a “gas bargain”. But, is it worth it? Based on today’s national average gas price of $3.00 and assuming a 15-gallon fill-up and a 20 miles-per-gallon vehicle, a car owner would […]

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It’s A Terrific Time To Revisit Your Mortgage Rate

November 2, 2007

If you bought your home in 2007 and your mortgage is a conforming home loan, you may be able to take advantage of  the current mortgage market conditions and lower your mortgage rate. As of this morning, mortgage rates are near their lowest levels of the year. Of course, not every conforming borrower is eligible. […]

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How To Save Money By Choosing A Better

October 31, 2007

When a loan officer locks a mortgage rate for you, that rate is tied to an expiration date. The expiration may be 30 days, or 75 days, or 90 days, or more into the future, but so long as the rate is “locked”, the bank is committed to delivering that rate to you at your […]

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What Is The Fed Funds Rate?

October 31, 2007

The Federal Open Market Committee adjourns from its two-day meeting this afternoon and is widely expected to lower the Fed Funds Rate.  This does not mean that mortgage rates are being lowered, too. The definition of Fed Funds Rate from the Federal Reserve: The federal funds rate is the rate charged by one depository institution […]

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The Week In Review (October 29, 2007) : What To Watch For

October 29, 2007

Strong earnings from Apple, American Express, Microsoft and Boeing helped to keep markets in balance last week after reports of weak business spending and poor housing data (again). The available data doesn’t seem to match corporate earnings reports and that is giving investors fits. Mortgage rates bounced around last week on the lack of conviction […]

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Is A Fed Funds Rate Cut Good News Or Bad News? It Depends On Your Perspective.

October 26, 2007

The Federal Open Market Committee is widely expected to lower the Fed Funds Rate next week. For holders of credit cards and home equity lines of credit, this is good news. Both of these financial products feature interest rates tied to Prime Rate. Prime Rate is tied to the Fed Funds Rate. When the Fed […]

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Monthly Reiteration: Real Estate Is Not A National News Story

October 25, 2007

The Wall Street Journal used a lot of ink this morning on September’s Existing Home Sales data, including the chart below.  It’s frightening to the lay person who may not know how to interpret data like this. Remember: real estate is local. Yes, on a national level the number of homes for sale in increasing […]

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